self care — Rising Tide Doulas and Lactation — Rising Tide Women: Birth and postpartum doulas, Lactation support, HypnoBirthing

self care

DIY magic and self-care

DIY magic and self-care

In my kitchen here in Brewster, there's a jar.  It seems pretty utilitarian, but it has a secret: it's magic.  This magic jar is always there for me when I need it.  It's perpetually full of good-quality ground coffee so that whenever I want to brew a fresh cup, it's easy.  The jar sits right next to our coffee maker, nestled in next to the sugar dish, always prepared to help me out with a soothing cup of hot coffee.  

Now, you might think this post is about coffee, and while I could wax poetic about it all day, what I actually want to talk about is the magic of having that jar always full.