Breastfeeding questions from the Sisterhood

Breastfeeding questions from the Sisterhood

We put out the call a bit ago in our free facebook community, the Rising Tide Women Sisterhood , to see what was on everyone's mind when it came to breastfeeding. 

We answered a whole spate of them in our 7th episode of our Wednesday morning Rising Tide Doula Jam on our facebook page, and I'm sharing them so you can get the info, too!

DIY magic and self-care

DIY magic and self-care

In my kitchen here in Brewster, there's a jar.  It seems pretty utilitarian, but it has a secret: it's magic.  This magic jar is always there for me when I need it.  It's perpetually full of good-quality ground coffee so that whenever I want to brew a fresh cup, it's easy.  The jar sits right next to our coffee maker, nestled in next to the sugar dish, always prepared to help me out with a soothing cup of hot coffee.  

Now, you might think this post is about coffee, and while I could wax poetic about it all day, what I actually want to talk about is the magic of having that jar always full.

Postpartum support: more than just Bubble Baths and Naps

Postpartum support: more than just Bubble Baths and Naps

What new parent wouldn't want a relaxing soak or a dreamy hour to snooze?  Many new parents can only imagine this being real, and many believe they aren't deserving of such a postpartum reality. It's hard to believe, I know. If you ask any new mother about treating themselves to some downtime, most likely there will be a hint of guilt in their answer. Okay. If they aren't  comfortable taking a tub (or, maybe there isn't one where they live!) or napping, how ELSE can we give new parents hands on support?  How can we change the drained, overwhelmed, and exhausted face of postpartum or life with a newborn?