Birth prep. Ugh. One more thing to add to your ever multiplying list of things you must do before baby arrives. Don’t parents and babies already know how to do the whole birth thing? Isn’t it natural and haven’t we been birthing since like, forever? Don’t we just give birth the way Hollywood has so accurately portrayed it? And what about all the stories that have been passed down from family and friends? Isn’t that just the way it will all go down, down there?
If your mind has been made up already that you are going to skip the birth prep, and wing it, we would love it if you kept reading. Heck, it’ll save you a few minutes from tackling the next item on your to do list! If you are considering birth prep with Rising Tide Women, but need more convincing, stay with this and keep reading.
I’ll do the 5 reasons countdown backwards Just to build some fun suspense. Lindsay and Liz your Rising Tide Women certified birth educators LOVE to have fun!
5. Location. Location. Location.
Newborn photography by Irish Eyes Photography
Where you learn about birth is very important to how much you retain and utilize when it comes to baby time. You need to feel ultra welcomed, fed, hydrated, comfortable, and listened to. Our classes are currently held in the comfort and privacy of your home, or at the South Shore Perinatal Wellness Center in Norwell, MA. Where better than learning in your own living room or in a super cozy center where your learning needs will not only be met, but your expectations will be exceeded? Classes held in home are typically private or semi-private, where you are most at ease to ask all the questions about your body and baby. Classes at the center are small, usually up to 6 people and the laid back environment is maintained so that you feel free to laugh, wonder, and learn about birth and the immediate postpartum.
4. Realistic Expectations.
We want everyone who takes our class to come away from it with a solid foundation and comprehension about the end of pregnancy, labor/birth, and the immediate postpartum, including breastfeeding during the early days. We have created a curriculum that is engaging, eye appealing, hands on, humorous, and full of all the pee breaks pregnant people need. We give you information that you can put to use during labor, whether its in a hospital or at home, based in science, research, and evidence. We are going to give you the cool nerdy facts and help you breathe a sigh of relief knowing that birth doesn’t look the way its depicted on tv or the big screen. When we show you birth videos, we show you the good stuff.
3. Bigger groups mean lower cost for you!
Most of us groan at the idea of being in some stale room with a bunch of strangers talking about vaginas, cervixes, placentas, and breasts. Your Rising Tide Women doulas and birth educators beg to differ, but we aren’t your average type when it comes to our favorite topics! If you can gather up a bunch of your pregnant pals and their partner if they have one, you get to have birth prep with your friends AND at a special group rate! Win! Now are you excited to talk about the uterus, vernix, colostrum, and hormones? Giddy up.
2. Community starts here
For many of us new to parenting, we flounder a bit especially in the beginning. We are learning a whole new way of life, and that’s to be expected. Why not build your community during pregnancy so that come baby time, you have built relationships that you can trust in and have friends with babies around the same age. Our classes help build that team parenting approach, by getting you and your classmates bonded as quickly as possible. We hope that you are already exchanging cell numbers and friending each other on social media by the first snack break. You’ll have a solid new group of friends to lean on and learn from as parenthood begins, there’s no better way to start out on this adventure.
and the NUMBER ONE reason to sign up for a Rising Tide Women birth prep class is...
Time with Liz Libby, IBCLC and Lindsay Miller, RN BSN! You’ll get our direct contact information before class even begins, so that you can ask questions as they come up. We love being available to the families that put their trust in us. As we say, we want to be the resource that we needed long ago when we were expecting our babies. Even after class wraps up, we are still available to our students for questions/concerns/coffee dates. Plus, we love providing a safe space to share your birth story with us privately or as a group, and we are always more than happy to cuddle your baby so that you can sip your coffee/tea while it’s still at the perfect temp.
You’ll also get access to our client only password protected website we named The Harbor. The Harbor is a special place where we have organized your resources so that they are easy to search according to the stage of parenthood you are in. We have you covered from pregnancy to toddlerhood, birth to breastfeeding.
What’s that? You are interested in birth prep classes now? Fantastic! We love to hear that and we appreciate the time you gave us to help spread the word. If you are not interested for whatever reason, but you liked what you read, share the info with your friends! We teach on the South Shore and Cape Cod and are happy to work with your busy schedules.