Image of a beach from below with our anchor logo and the words “Navigating together: Lifeboat.”

The details

If I were about to sign up for an awesome online birth class, I'd want to know what was ahead for me. So I thought you might like to know more about it, too.  Here's what we have planned for you! Each unit includes videos, pdfs to download, journaling prompts, and links with more info.

TWO Personalized Strategy Sessions!

Because we want you to have some individual attention and get your questions answered, we are including two personalized strategy session calls with us! One is with both Liz and Lindsay so you can plan ahead for your best birth, and one is with Liz so you can set yourself up for a great feeding experience. Of course, as you go through the course you are always welcome to reach out with questions or post in our Sisterhood facebook group, but we know you may want some more support than we can give you in those spaces. That’s why you can, at any point in the course, reach out and we’ll schedule a time to spend one-on-one with you to address your concerns, fears, and unique questions. We are here for you!


Chapter 1: Informed Consent

You might be wondering why we put this first, before some of the more common topics for a childbirth class. We put it first because we believe that this is the MOST important part of your childbirth experience. We’ll talk about why this is so important and how to ask the right questions to get the information you need to make the right choice for you.

Chapter 2: Beginning to Unlearn

In this chapter we start to examine and unpack some of the things you may be carrying from a lifetime of living in our culture and start to learn some skills to support yourself through labor.



Chapter 3: What’s going on in there?

This chapter is all about what is actually happening in your body during labor and birth! It’s important to know what’s going on physically so that you can work with your body to bring your baby earthside.

Chapter 4: Planning for your Birth

In this chapter, we create some space for you to think about what you want out of your birth and how to go about getting it. We’ll break down what a birth plan does and doesn’t do, and talk about how to get the most out of one.

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Chapter 5: Getting through labor

Now that you know what’s going on in your body and have some ideas of what you want out of your experience, we can get into the specifics of how to keep yourself as comfortable and peaceful as possible.


Chapter 6: The Post-Birth Experience

Many times, we think of the time after birth as the “happily ever after”, but there is so much to the story! In this chapter, we’ll learn what you need to know about recovering from birth, easing your way into parenthood, and taking care of yourself and your new little one!

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Chapter 7: Feeding your baby

If you plan to breast or chest feed, you probably have a lot of questions about the process! Chances are you’ve heard some horror stories on this front, so we talk you through what you actually need to know. If you are NOT planning to breast or chest feed, you probably have some questions about taking care of your body and safely and lovingly bottle feeding your baby! We cover all of that in this unit.

The birth prep book

Liz and Lindsay are CAPPA-certified childbirth educators who have been teaching birth preparation classes for years. We’ve spent this time compiling resources, information, and all kinds of other tidbits for our clients. We know you may not remember everything we say, so we’ve put together this e-book for you to use, keep, and refer to. You’ll get it in PDF format so you can read it on your phone or print it out and use as a workbook. It’s meant to be very interactive, so it includes a lot of journaling prompts, pages for you and your support person to draw on, and SO much good information!

