Rising Tide Doulas and Lactation

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First steps once you find out you are pregnant

You are pregnant.  Either you knew it before any test, or you needed to pee 10x on a stick to make the news sink in.  What is going through your mind?  How is this news making you feel?   (PS: all emotions welcomed during this intense time, no wrong answers). Knowing what to do soon after learning about your pregnancy isn’t in the manual. In fact, I do not think my copy ever arrived when I found out I was pregnant!  We like to keep it light when we can around here, there is no manual and that’s okay!  You have Rising Tide Women: Doulas and Lactation.  

This Wednesday, our Live Facebook Doula Jam covered some important first steps to take once you know for sure that you are making a baby in there. 

1.  Exhale.  Whether this news has been long awaited, or still a shock, take a few deep breaths and ground yourself.   

2.  Inform family and friends when you feel ready to share.  No rush.

3.  Begin the thinking process about care providers.  Keep in mind, you can ALWAYS switch providers, models of care (i.e. OB to midwife, or vice versa, or hospital to homebirth), places to birth, and so on.  If you want to start with your current care provider, go for it.  See how you are treated as a pregnant person and if the practice feels right for your needs.  Here is helpful information that can assist you with these important decisions.  

4.  Learn about doula support here.  Research supports utilizing a professional doula for better birth outcomes.  If the thought of hiring a doula doesn’t really feel like “your thing”, reconsider.  And research.  There is a doula for everyone.  They all have different personalities, backgrounds, and styles.  Doulamatch.com is a wonderful way to search area doulas.  Find a doula who you feel safe and comfortable with.  Book early on in your pregnancy to get the most out of it.  Ask about payment plans or set up your baby registry (Baby List for example) to include helping you cover doula support.  We know that you’ve had your eye on the latest and greatest gear out there, but put some thought into labor support.  It’ll last a lifetime.  Doula support with Lindsay and Liz of Rising Tide Women: Doulas and Lactation means you get two doulas for the price of one.  You get pregnancy and labor support AND lactation/feeding support, including a private lactation consult with Liz Libby, IBCLC once you are settled at home.  Learn more here.

Have an enjoyable look at our Live Facebook Doula Jam from October 17 that delves deeper into these thoughts.  We hope it gets you thinking and on your way to an informed and incredible birth experience.