Birthing Our Stories Workshop
Our birth stories stay with us forever.
There are as many ways to give birth as there are people in the world, and no matter how your birth unfolded, it was a story that will remain with you for the rest of your life. Most birth-givers never take the time to write out their story, even though they feel the urge to. In this course, we create a safe, supportive environment to encourage you as you explore your experience of birth and write it out. Whether you feel your birth was great or you are struggling with some difficult feelings afterward, this is a great way to begin processing the experience and teasing out some of those feelings, to begin to truly integrate the experience into your sense of self. This process is never finished, but if you would like some company and support as you work on it, this is the place for you.
Who is this workshop for?
We acknowledge and honor and celebrate that there are so many ways to become a parent; however, this workshop is created for folks who are looking to process the experience of birthing a baby, whether it was vaginally or surgically. It is for anyone who feels pulled to work on writing out their birth story, regardless of how long ago it may have been or how it went. If you feel like you want to participate, it’s for you.
We welcome birthing folks of all genders, races, and backgrounds, and we commit to doing as much as we can to help everyone feel safe, held, and seen in this process.
What does this workshop look like?
Liz Libby, our resident IBCLC and CAPPA-certified Childbirth Educator, will facilitate this online workshop. We will meet one evening each week for five weeks to take you through a process of getting to know the other members in your small group (we cap the workshop at 20), and then following a path modeled on the creation of a pearl: we start with getting to the ‘grit’ of your story, the tiny grain of sand at the heart of everything, and then we add the ‘nacre’, the additional layers of the story, and finally work toward creating the ‘pearl’, the written story that might be a finished product, or might continue to be shaped into something even more intricate and beautiful.
Each 90-minute session will begin with a check-in and centering activity followed by our week’s work. We will end each session with space for participants to share how they are feeling as we wrap up and to ask for what support they need in that moment. We will plan to share our written stories in the last two sessions and bear witness to each other’s experiences.
Great! Where do I sign up?
For current dates and to sign up, click the button below. See you soon!!